Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fundraising has commenced!

So far, I've raised $270. That's a little over half of the money I need to raise by December 30th. Pretty easy, considering my donations were submitted before I had even asked for any! I think it goes to show what a great program this really is - people have been really supportive!

Today, I wrote 18 letters to family friends and mailed them out. I am excited for people to find out what I am doing and hope that they will be moved to contribute to such a wonderful cause.

The bike model has been posted - and the bike is beautiful! I cannot wait to start training, even though by the time I get my bike, it will likely be the middle of winter... in Wisconsin. I feel lucky that I have one friend on the route with me whom I can train with and some other friends who are cycling enthusiasts. Plus, Madison is such a beautiful city to bike around. I should have no problem finding the motivation to get those 500 miles in.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


My goal this weekend is to come up with my contact list and figure out how I am going to raise $4000 by the time I leave for my trip in June. Seems like a daunting task, but I think I can do it! Anxiously awaiting getting a bike so that I can start training!