Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Route

So, as of today, I officially switched routes from B2SB to the Northern route. Overall, I am incredibly excited! Why?!

This route has some of the best stops ever!

1. Janesville - my hometown. I cannot wait to have a little reunion with friends and family in my hometown  after about a month on the road. Not only will I get to see some familiar faces, but there is also a Build Day in Janesville! It is going to be SO gratifying to actually see results of my efforts for this cause happening in my very own hometown! I haven't even left for my trip, and I already cannot wait for July 17th!

2. Madison - my home away from home. Madison is the place I've called 'home' since 2006. Having been a Badger at UW-Madison, I have spent the last five years enjoying the wonderfulness that is the isthmus known as Madison. I can't wait to spend one of the few days off we have with my fellow B&B'ers, wonderful roommates, boyfriend, and best friends that will be enjoying the magic of a Madison summer.

3. Glacier National Park - Last summer I had the privilege of working out in Glacier National Park (most beautiful place in the country, if you ask me!) at a cafe famous for its homemade pies! I made some of the best friendships I've ever had out there, and almost all of my fellow "trons" (as we call ourselves) will be returning to the Park Cafe this summer. I can't wait to go back to the beauty of the Going to the Sun road and relive some of the amazing times I had last summer in Glacier - all over again!

I'm a little bit sad that I will be leaving behind my friend Max, and the other amazing people on the B2SB trip, but where I leave one Janesville/Madison-ite behind, I join another Janesvillian (Miss Kate Terry) on the Northern Route. I am so proud that Janesville has so many of its able, enthusiastic, and excited citizens participating in Bike & Build!

Biking so far is going alright. I have put in about 50 miles (kind of pathetic, I know) but I have really only been getting serious about training in the last week. Homework and exams kind of get in the way of having time to train. On Tuesday, fellow Bike & Builder Max from B2SB and I biked around Lake Mendota, which is about 25 miles. On the Northern side of the lake, it was super windy, so I feel like I'm getting mentally and physically prepared for the grueling winds I have to look forward to all through North Dakota. Gah!

All in all, I am getting more and more excited about my trip! Just a little more fundraising to go - and again, I couldn't do this without the generous support of all who have donated, so THANK YOU!


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